Three Key Tips To Living In NYC

Source: Squarespace/Unsplash

1. Always pay attention to your surroundings

Statistically New York City is considered one of the top 5 safest large cities in America but it is still important to always ensure you pay attention to your environment and the people around you to make sure you do not get taken advantage of.

Navigating the bustling streets of New York City demands a heightened sense of awareness, especially for newcomers. The city's dynamic atmosphere brings with it a diverse population, including individuals facing homelessness and potential threats. Being vigilant about your surroundings is crucial, as there's a possibility of opportunistic behavior from those who may take advantage of tourists. To minimize risk, consider refraining from wearing conspicuous signs of being a tourist, such as carrying maps openly. Moreover, avoid isolating yourself by wearing ear pods or listening to music when exploring unfamiliar neighborhoods, as this can make you more susceptible to potential threats.

As you gradually acclimate to your surroundings and become familiar with your new neighborhood, you'll gain a better understanding of the local dynamics. Once you've lived in an area comfortably for an extended period, you can begin to relax and act at your own discretion. Building this familiarity is key to navigating the city with confidence and ensuring a safer experience.

For those who enjoy jogging as a form of exercise, it's essential to consider the safety of your chosen routes, especially in the evening. Jogging through isolated parks late at night can present an increased risk of incidents such as mugging. Opting for well-populated and well-lit areas, or choosing neighborhoods with a strong police presence, like the Financial District, can contribute to a safer jogging experience. Common sense plays a crucial role in making these decisions, as being mindful of your environment helps mitigate potential risks.

In a city as vibrant and diverse as New York, embracing a balance between caution and confidence is key to navigating its streets safely. By staying aware, gradually acclimating to your surroundings, and using common sense in your daily activities, you can enjoy the richness of the city while minimizing potential risks. As you become more acquainted with your neighborhood, you'll find the freedom to act at your discretion, enhancing your overall experience in the city that never sleeps.

Source: Squarespace/Unsplash

2. Always Tip At Restaurants

In the bustling culinary landscape of New York City, it's essential to recognize the challenging financial circumstances that many servers face. In the restaurant industry, servers are often compensated at or near the minimum wage, which can make it particularly difficult to make ends meet in a city known for its high cost of living. As patrons who appreciate the dining experiences provided by their favorite restaurants, there's an opportunity for us to make a positive impact on the livelihoods of these hardworking servers.

It is very expensive to live in New York City and servers make their living off of tips and are the backbone of the restaurant industry. Sometimes things do happen during meals and experiences that may warrant a reduced tip but most of the time it is due to an issue outside of the server’s control and people tend to take it out of the server’s tips. Tipping in NYC is very important. If you are not from NYC, tipping can be confusing. They don't tip in Europe, and where you live you may be used to tipping 15% but in NYC 20% is standard.

When you frequent a restaurant that you genuinely enjoy and wish to visit consistently, consider the significant role that tipping plays in supporting the income of servers. Tipping generously goes beyond expressing satisfaction with the service—it becomes a tangible way to contribute to the financial well-being of those who work tirelessly to ensure a pleasant dining experience. By understanding the economic challenges faced by servers, patrons can play a vital role in creating a more equitable environment within the hospitality industry.

Moreover, establishing a rapport with the staff at your favorite restaurant can lead to unexpected perks. Tipping well and consistently can create a positive relationship between you and the servers, potentially resulting in a reciprocal appreciation from the establishment. Some restaurants may offer loyal patrons discounts or special promotions as a gesture of gratitude for their continued support. Building such connections not only enriches your dining experience but also fosters a sense of community within the restaurant.

Source: Squarespace/Unsplash

3. Never Stand Too CLose To The Edge On A Subway Platform

Navigating the extensive and intricate subway system in New York City is an integral part of daily life for many residents and visitors. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential safety concerns that can arise in this bustling transportation network. Disturbingly, there have been reports of incidents where individuals were pushed or shoved into the subway tracks, adding an element of danger to an already fast-paced environment. Additionally, stories consistently circulate about New Yorkers who accidentally trip and fall onto the tracks, underscoring the importance of maintaining vigilance and awareness while navigating subway platforms.

The NY Times reported that in October of 2022, the number of rides on any given weekday was around 3.5 million, about two million fewer than before the pandemic. Manhattan’s Union Square station, where eight lines converge in one dim space, is nearly always crowded. The trains still get crowded but inconsistently, with some lines being more crowded than others. For example, the 6 train which runs local on the green line is just as crowded as pre-pandemic with the passenger cars sometimes getting so crowded travelers that they wind up being shoulder to shoulder.

Given the potential risks associated with subway platforms, it becomes imperative for commuters to prioritize safety by remaining alert to their surroundings. One key aspect of this vigilance is being mindful of the location of the approaching train, ensuring that individuals can safely enter or exit the subway car of their choice. By staying aware of the train's position and being cautious as you move about the platform, you contribute to creating a safer environment for yourself and those around you.

Moreover, understanding the layout of subway stations, including the designated waiting areas and platform edges, can further contribute to a safer commuting experience. Commuters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with platform configurations and adhere to safety guidelines provided by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) to mitigate the risk of accidents. When you are on the subway platform, the safest place to wait is behind the yellow line, away from the platform edge. Be mindful of your belongings at all times – particularly when using personal electronic devices.


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