Don’t Miss These Top 5 Hidden Gems in Central Park
With its enormous green expanses, stunning lakes, and exquisite architectural details, New York City's Central Park is an iconic landmark. It's no wonder that this park is one of the world's most popular public spaces. But, there is much more to Central Park than meets the eye. If you want to discover Central Park's hidden beauties, here are the top five places you shouldn't miss.
Source: Squarespace/Unsplash
The Hallett Nature Sanctuary
The Hallett Nature Sanctuary, located on the park's southeast edge, is a tranquil haven in the midst of the metropolis. This 4-acre preserve was closed to the public for more than 80 years before reopening in 2013 following intensive repair work. Visitors may now take a guided tour of the refuge and learn about the flora and creatures that live there. The Hallett Nature Sanctuary provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience wildness in the center of the city.
The Blockhouse
The Blockhouse is a hidden gem in the park's northern part, near the Harlem Meer. It is one of the park's oldest structures, having been built in 1812 during the War of 1812. The Blockhouse was designed to be a fort to defend New York City against the British. It now functions as a small museum, displaying items and exhibits linked to its past. The Harlem Meer and the surrounding park are also visible from the Blockhouse.
Shakespeare Garden
If you enjoy reading, you'll enjoy the Shakespeare Garden. This lovely garden may be found on the park's west side, near the Delacorte Theater. It's a memorial to Shakespeare, including plants and flowers from his plays and sonnets. The garden is well kept and features a Shakespeare monument as well as inscriptions containing lines from his works. The Shakespeare Garden is a tranquil setting in which to unwind and immerse yourself in the world of literature.
Source: Squarespace/Unsplash
North Woods
The North Woods is a hidden gem in the park's northwest portion. This 90-acre woods is one of the park's most remote parts, providing a peaceful respite from the city's rush and bustle. The North Woods support a varied diversity of vegetation and animals, including over 100 bird species. It has a number of hiking paths, cascading waterfalls, and a beautiful creek. The North Woods is a must-see for nature enthusiasts and hikers.
Conservatory Gardens
The Conservatory Garden is a lovely formal garden on the park's east side, near 105th Street. It is separated into three divisions, each with its own individual style and design. A lovely fountain and a variety of seasonal flowers may be found in the Central Garden. The North Garden is a tranquil haven with a reflecting pool and an elaborate floral-patterned wrought-iron fence. The South Garden features a big bronze statue of children playing and a vibrant display of perennials and annuals. The Conservatory Garden is a peaceful retreat ideal for a stroll or a picnic.
To summarize, Central Park has far more to offer than meets the eye. Central Park has something for everyone, whether you're a nature lover, a history buff, or a literature fan. So, the next time you visit New York City, make a point of discovering these hidden jewels and the beauty of Central Park.